How to create a business rocket launch platform for 2017

The beginning of the year is always so full of promise, and I’m not sure about you, but I really enjoy turning onto a new page and make a business plan for the next year. As this time is also midway through the financial year, I can look back on the last six months of solid business data and adjust my budget according to the trends.

Here’s one important thing to remember when planning or setting goals: To be successful in business, or any other life area, you MUST take the time to write down your plan or goals and refer to them often. Have a print out placed where you can easily see and review it.

Let me explain why:

A case study was undertaken on achieving goals. The study divided 100 people into two groups who were asked to consider what they wished to achieve in the next five years. The first group wrote down their goals and referred to them regularly. The second group discussed their goals, but didn't write them down. Five years later both groups came back together to discuss what they had achieved.

Of the first group, who were told to write down their goals and refer to them regularly, 96% of the people achieved all their goals. Of the second group, which only discussed their goals, 16% of the people achieved all their goals.

So, as you can see this is a clear example of how writing down your goals and referring to them regularly is incredibly powerful. It keeps us focused. It's the corner-stone to any success you can achieve in life.

It’s also the start of any business development activity. You look where you’re at, then decide where you want to be after a certain period of time, and then you put the pieces into place to
make it happen.

Incredibly, this is where a lot of business owners get lost. They are not sure how to turn their plans into reality. Their initial enthusiasm is slowly evaporating, as the daily grind gets them roped in again.

Our Team has seen it all, we have been in the trenches with business owners and dug around to find the gold with them. To help you maximise your business profits we use a process that’s easy to follow, we roll up our sleeves and give you straight advice, in a language that you will understand.

Take action now with some planning and get ahead of the game in 2017.


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Take action now with some planning and get ahead of the game in 2017.

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Please Note: Many of the comments in this article are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.